"Lucid Dreaming: The Remixes"
Maika Loubté
01. It's So Natural - 80KIDZ Remix
02. Mist - TiMT Remix
03. Show Me How - Kan Sano Remix
04. It's So Natural - 食品まつり a.k.a Foodman Remix
05. Flower In The Dark - Ishio Dai ' GEKKA BIJIN Remix
06. Spider Dancing - EXPCTR Remix
07. Kids On The Stage - ermhoi Remix
08. Spider Dancing - Small Circle of Friends Remix
09. Lucid Dreaming - Sountrive Remix
10. 5AM - LISACHRIS Remix
11. Flower In The Dark - Ishio Dai ' MAYOKE Remix
12. System - Cwondo Remix
13. Mist - Primula Remix
14. Nagaretari - Risa Taniguchi Remix
15. Zenbu Dreaming - lIlI Remix
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Soundscapes Vol.1"
01. Part Ⅰ
02. Part Ⅱ
03. Part Ⅲ
04. Part Ⅳ
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"Alternative Soundscapes" series is a soundscape work created with the concept of melting and layering the boundaries between environmental sounds and electronic sounds.
The original work is a 60-minute soundscape. Which can be listened to carefully, or it can be integrated into your life.